Reiki translates from Japanese as the Universal Energy or life-force. During a treatment, the energy flows through the practitioner’s hands and into the client. The hands are lightly placed over different areas of the body, focusing on problematic areas as required. People experience Reiki in different ways. Some fall into a deeply restful state, others feel heat or cold, and many see colours or receive useful insights. At the end of the treatment, the hands, feet and back are briefly massaged. This treatment tends to support those with a need for deep rest and a kind space. People suffering from depression or stress, those with an interest in expanding their experience of energy work, and people with pain conditions or undergoing other treatments can all benefit. This is a clothed treatment that typically takes place on a massage couch.
Standard Session: £50
60 minute hands-on therapy plus
free 10 minute consultation
Superlong Session: £70
90 minute hands-on therapy plus
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