Yoga for Health

Find your focus with this ancient system for wellbeing. Learn postures, movements and breathing exercises that develop strength, flexibility and balance. This is a challenging and informative class that is particularly suitable for beginners.

Unfortunately our National Lottery funding has currently run out, so we are asking for donations of £3-£5 per session for those who can afford it.  BOOK NOW to reserve your place

Tuesdays 10:30 - 11:30am

Button Hill Community Centre

20-26 Button Hill

Chapeltown, Leeds


Jessica Morris, massage therapist, movement therapist,

Yoga teacher

Yoga has been part of Jessica's life for over 18 years. She first started training in Ashtanga Yoga to support her own mental and physical health. After 12 years of practice she made an overland journey to India to learn Yoga at its source. She trained at the Shri K Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Shala in Mysore, home of Ashtanga Yoga, and also worked with many other inspiring teachers. She studied Vedanta (philosophy), Pranayama (breathwork), Iyengar Yoga and Hatha Yoga before qualifying as a teacher herself.

Jessica is a dedicated and approachable teacher who takes the time to really see her students. She understands the importance of alignment and offers adjustments and guidance in all her classes.


- Yoga Alliance 200 hours (Noah Mckenna, Sukhashanti, Mysore, 2015)
- Structural Energy Awakening (Mike Tan, Chiang Mai, 2016)
- Myofascial Anatomy and Movement (Gary Carter, Natural Bodies, 2017-2018)
- FABS - Exercise for Older Adults (Move It or Lose It, 2020-2021)

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